For Japan

All for Wan series (dry type)

Energia functionality plus +
Energia Plus+
Contains lactic acid bacteria and oligosaccharides that support maintaining healthy intestinal environment and improving immune system
Complete and balanced pet food (AAFCO-compliant)
Energia Functionality Plus + Seven
Energia Plus+7
Contains N‐acetyl glucosamine and chondroitin to support maintaining healthy joint
Complete and balanced pet food (AAFCO-compliant)
enesia premium
Energia Premium
Contains five major nutritions that support growth period, and vitamins and minerals derived from minor grains improve immune system
Coming soon

All-for-one series (wet type)

Takikomi Enesia Premium
Enezea Premium
AAFCO Compliant to AAFCO standards; contains protein, vitamins, and minerals that improve hair gloss and promote health maintenance
Coming soon
Takikomi Enesia Functionality Plus +
Energia Plus+ (steam-cooked) +
AAFCO Compliant to AAFCO standards; contains enterococcus faecalis bacteria, oligosaccharides, and water-soluble dietary fiber that support maintaining healthy intestinal environment
Coming soon

All for Nyan series (dry type for cat)

enesia premium
Energia Premium
“Complete and balanced pet food” containing 33 ingredients with harvest from sea that regulates functions of the intestines as well as quality protein, vitamins and minerals derived from minor grains that help improve immune system
Energia functionality plus+
Energia Plus+
“Complete and balanced pet food” containing calcium, vitamins, dietary fiber derived from minor grains, and protein that promotes health maintenance and antioxidant action
Coming soon

For export

"My family is only called" All for Wan series (dry type)

enesia premium
Energia Premium
Contains five major nutritions that support growth period, and vitamins and minerals derived from minor grains improves immune system
Energia functionality plus +
Energia Plus+
Contains lactic acid bacteria and oligosaccharides that support maintaining healthy intestinal environment and improving immune system
Energia Functionality Plus + Seven
Energia Functionality Plus + SevenEnergia Functionality Plus + Seven
Contains N‐acetyl glucosamine and chondroitin to support maintaining healthy joint

"My family is only called" All for Wan series (wet type)

Takikomi Enesia Premium
Energia Premium (steam-cooked)
Compliant to AAFCO standards; contains protein, vitamins, and minerals that improve hair gloss and promote health maintenance
Takikomi Enesia Functionality Plus +
Energia Plus+ (steam-cooked)
Compliant to AAFCO standards; contains enterococcus faecalis bacteria, oligosaccharides, and water-soluble dietary fiber that support maintaining healthy intestinal environment

"My family is only called" All for Nyan series (dry type for cat)

enesia premium
Energia Premium
“Complete and balanced pet food” containing 33 ingredients with harvest from sea that regulates functions of the intestines as well as quality protein, vitamins and minerals derived from minor grains that help improve immune system
Energia functionality plus +
Energia Plus+
“Complete and balanced pet food” containing calcium, vitamins, dietary fiber derived from minor grains, and protein that promotes health maintenance and antioxidant action

Products planned to be released in 2022

All for Wan/Nyan Snack series (Coming soon) (Coming soon)

All for One/Nyan Supplement Series (Coming soon)

All for Wan/Nyan Toothbrushing series (Coming soon) (Coming soon)

HACK Wellness Care Series Commitment

1. Utilization of Aritadori from Kyushu

Characteristics of Arita chicken

Aritadori from KyushuArita chicken from Kyushu (1) Difference in breeding method and nutritional values
- The meat quality of “Arita chicken” raised in contracted farms in Saga and Nagasaki prefectures, where chickens are floor-reared in a relaxed environment, features low-fat and the flavor that you never get tired of.
*Won the Quality Award in 2nd and 8th Local and Brand Chicken Eating Quality Contest in Japan Meat Industry Fair
(2) High nutrition value of meat
- Raised with compounded feed mainly composed of plant-origin ingredients
- Fermented lactic acid extract from seaweed (kelp) is added
*Kelp is a special, rare kind of seaweed that can be gathered in north sea, which in Europe, has been highly valued as a herb since ancient times. Young chickens raised on kelp, rich in iodine, grow into healthy chicken with excellent blood circulation and hair gloss.

2. Utilization of minor grains

Features of minor grains

(1) Minor grains (rice) are rich in nutritional components such as dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
(2) Water-soluble dietary fiber, which is essential for activation of intestinal bacteria, is contained in a large amount in minor grains, in particular, in barley or pearl barley.
(3) Its potential effects on promoting the action of intestinal bacteria and activation of immune cells are believed high, which lead to enhancement of immune system.

Advantages and power of minor grains

(1) Minor grains are rich in water-soluble dietary fiber that cannot be sufficed by eating vegetables; Effects on increasing and activating actions of intestinal bacteria are expected.
(2) Low calorie
(3) Vitamin E, B1, B6, niacin, potassium, zinc, and rutin (a kind of polyphenol) have anti-inflammation effect and improvement effect on blood circulation, and promote compounding of proteins.

About different minor grains

Barnyard millet
Barnyard millet
Contains 8 times or more dietary fiber compared to white rice; The amount of magnesium, essential for making bones and teeth, is about four times as much, and zinc is about twice as much. Expected effects include adjusting intestinal environment, maintaining cellular functions, and keeping skin beautiful.
Mochi bubble
Glutinous millet
Contains 6 times more dietary fiber and 5 times more vitamin E compared to white rice as well as rich minerals (magnesium and iron), its effects on constipation relief and prevention of anemia and obesity are expected. The amounts of vitamin B1 and B2 are twice as much as white rice.
Mochi millet
Glutinous husked proso millet
It is a low-fat and low-calorie food that contains 3 times more iron, 2 times more calcium and potassium, 3 times more dietary fiber, and 4 times more magnesium compared to white rice as well as high quality protein. The yellow pigment is a kind of polyphenol with strong antioxidant action. Effect on improving immune system can be expected.
brown rice
Brown rice
The germ of brown rice is rich in vitamins B1 and E, which are contained in an amount twice as much as white rice. The outer layers are highly nutritious, so brown rice or brown sticky rice with bran and germ are more nutritious than white rice. Antioxidant action of vitamin E is expected to have anti-aging effects.
black rice
Black rice
Contains higher amounts of protein, vitamins, and anthocyanin (natural colorant) compared to white rice. It is highly nutritious with rich vitamin B, iron, and calcium. Anthocyanins are said to cancel active oxygen produced in body and also work in recovering eye fatigue.

red rice
red rice
Contains dietary fiber, magnesium, and vitamin B1, and the red pigment contains catechin and tannin, types of polyphenol, which contain nutrient contents such as protein, vitamins, and minerals. Tannins are expected to be effective in “fat burning,” “skin improving (anti-inflammation),” and “prevention of melanin pigmentation.”
germ barley
Rolled barley with germ
Rich in dietary fiber, containing 20 times more in amount compared to white rice. Also, the balanced soluble and insoluble dietary fiber content is characteristic to rolled barley. Calcium is contained 4 times more than white rice, and the “germ” contains unsaturated fatty acid and vitamin E.
Dove wheat
Adlay millet
Contains a high amount of nutritions including vitamin B1, niacin, copper, and dietary fiber. High detoxification power and excellent diuretic action are expected to help egestion of unnecessary water content in body, and thereby resolving swollenness.
Contains a high amount of nutritions including vitamin B1, niacin, copper, and dietary fiber. Containing 17 times more dietary fiber than white rice, its effect on improving constipation is expected.

3.Safe and secure manufacturing factory
 Comprehensive cooperative system of ISO and HACCP-certified factories within the group

What is ISO22005 certification?

*ISO22005 requires to “identify history or location of feed and food in a specific or multiple stages of manufacturing, processing, and distribution,” and the traceability according to different objectives is guaranteed by a third party institution.

What is HACCP?

*HACCP is a certification given to a company by a third party institution to approve that a food-related business operator observes the hygiene management based on HACCP. We have implemented it as one of globally recognized hygiene management methods for assuring food safety. HACCP

What is GMP?

GMP requires that predefined control standards and methods in manufacturing and quality control throughout whole process from raw material acceptance to shipping are followed in a specific and appropriate manner.
*We strive to develop quality products with high added value using stringently selected raw materials.

Manufacturing plant

How dry food is made

Dry food manufacturing process (1) (How dry food is made)

(1) Pulverizing grains (Whole grains are pulverized. 0.5mm)

Dry food manufacturing process 1-1

(2) Measuring/Mixing (Ingredients are measured according to composition chart and mixed by a silent cutter)

Dry food manufacturing process 1-2

Dry food manufacturing process (2) (How dry food is made)

(3) Forming, drying, and sieve screening (heat-treated and formed in an extruder machine) )

Dry food manufacturing process 3

Dry food manufacturing process (3) (How dry food is made)

(4) Filling and packaging (after filled by an automatic packaging machine, products are inspected and packaged. )

Dry food manufacturing process 4

Voices from manufacturing plant (coming soon) (Coming soon)

Voices of raw material producers (coming soon) (Coming soon)

Voices of customers (coming soon) (Coming soon)